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Think Mentals
Chances are each of us will use mental maths more times in our lives than we can count. But do your students know how important this skill is? Here are five tips to make the most of your mental maths…
Writing Time
If you’ve ever taught in early primary, chances are you’ve seen letter reversals in a student’s handwriting. While the idea of writing reversed letters may seem unnatural to someone with years of handwriting experience (like yourself), almost all children around…
English Stars
Every teacher has their own tips and tricks to help with classroom management. English Stars gives teachers an extra edge with these digital classroom management tools.
Term 4 is the perfect time to consolidate all of the English concepts your students have learned throughout the year. Here are some built-in tools to help you effectively facilitate revision using English Stars:
Sound Waves Literacy
Bayside Christian College wanted to implement a comprehensive spelling program equipped with user-friendly resources and supported by professional development. Luckily, their search led them to discover Sound Waves Literacy.
Have you heard about our Sound Waves Playing Cards? Perfect for any Sound Waves classroom, these special cards are designed to help students consolidate their understanding of phoneme–grapheme relationships through engaging whole-class and small group games!
Reasoning tasks are distinctly different from problem-solving tasks because they focus on the how and the why of the solution, rather than the answer itself.
Maths Trek
Firefly Education has just launched its groundbreaking new primary maths resource – Maths Trek.
Assessment is on everyone’s mind at this time of year. Assessing mental computation skills is a valuable part of reporting on your students’ overall maths abilities.