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Sound Waves Literacy 24/5/24
Calling all early years teachers! You’re going to love the new features we’ve recently added to the online teaching resources for Sound Waves Literacy, from projectable Decodable Readers to reading assessments and more. These new online features work seamlessly alongside the Sound Waves Decodable Readers that are in the hands of so many Foundation and Year 1 students across Australia.
Designed to be used in conjunction with your class sets of Sound Waves Decodable Readers, the online teaching resources now include projectable versions of the books as part of the Foundation and Year 1 lessons. These projectable Decodable Readers are ideal for whole-class modelled and shared reading.
The projectable books have been conveniently embedded into the weekly lesson sequence so you know when and how to use them. In each unit, as part of Lesson 1 you’ll find a newly added module called Modelled & Shared Reading. From there, you’ll use the Core projectable Decodable Reader for whole-class modelled and shared reading.
Projectable Support and Extended books are also available in the new Modelled & Shared Reading module. These can be used for modelled and shared reading, or for additional practice throughout the week.
A whole-class modelled read ensures students are ready to follow on with reading practice throughout the rest of the week using your class sets of Sound Waves Decodable Readers. Read our How to use guide for more information about using Decodable Readers in your weekly routine.
How to access projectable Decodable Readers:
* Like your class sets of Sound Waves Decodable Readers, the projectable Decodable Readers for Foundation begin in the r for unit.
We’ve added a short sequence of Introductory Decodable Readers for use from d for through to o for
The Introductory Decodable Readers are an online-only resource. They provide students with an opportunity to read single words and simple sentences before attempting longer text in the Sound Waves Decodable Readers, which begin in Week 3 of Term 2.
The Introductory Decodable Readers have also been conveniently embedded into the lesson sequence so you know when and how to use them. Each book is paired with a short lead-in slideshow to provide background information and generate discussion on the book topic. After displaying the slides, you will use the projectable Introductory Decodable Reader for modelled and shared reading.
And of course, there is also a printable fold-up version of the Introductory Decodable Reader so students can practise reading throughout the week. Each printable fold-up can be printed in colour, or in black and white for students to colour in.
How to access Introductory Decodable Readers:
Earlier this year, we added a suite of new Foundation assessments to the online teaching resources to help you evaluate each student’s ability to read and spell words during their first year of school.
Foundation assessments include:
Now Year 1 also includes new Single Word Reading Assessments for Regular Words and Special Words to administer at the end of each term.
These new assessments for Foundation and Year 1 come with detailed instructions on how to administer the tests, marked samples of the tests and follow-up suggestions so you are equipped with the next steps to help students improve.
Reminder: Sound Waves Literacy already includes assessments for spelling and Focus Concepts in Years 1–6.
How to access reading and spelling assessments:
If you already have access to the online teaching resources for Sound Waves, log in and start exploring these new features. If you don’t have access, sign up for a free trial.