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Think Mentals
Find out how to use the Activity Tracker to monitor real-time student performance.
Find out how to use the Student Results page in Think Mentals Digital Classroom.
Technology is an increasingly important tool for teaching and learning, but it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that any technology is better than none. It’s been shown that technology can’t replace quality face-to-face teaching, but it can…
English Stars
We’ve all seen it happen: we dedicate the lower primary years to teaching students reading skills, only to discover that by upper primary half the class don’t want to read. There are many reasons why children lose interest in literature.…
Use this teaching video to help your students learn how to use commas in a list. This is just one of hundreds of videos available in English Stars!
Writing Time
It’s something all teachers have experienced: you’ve planned an engaging and differentiated activity for your class, but you soon hear, ‘What do I do when I’m finished?’
Find out how to use the the features of My Classroom in Think Mentals Digital Classroom.
Feedback is crucial to student learning, so it’s important to get it right. From day-to-day discussions to rubrics and reports, feedback takes on many different forms, but there are always some fundamental qualities that make it effective. …
Everything you need to know about using Think Mentals Digital Classroom.