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Sound Waves Literacy
Bayside Christian College wanted to implement a comprehensive spelling program equipped with user-friendly resources and supported by professional development. Luckily, their search led them to discover Sound Waves Literacy.
Have you heard about our Sound Waves Playing Cards? Perfect for any Sound Waves classroom, these special cards are designed to help students consolidate their understanding of phoneme–grapheme relationships through engaging whole-class and small group games!
If you’ve recently made the switch from levelled texts to Decodable Readers, you may be wondering how you can organise these books. Here are our tips for setting up your classroom for reading success!
Special Words are high-frequency words containing unusual phoneme–grapheme relationships (e.g. was, said), or words containing phoneme–grapheme relationships not yet taught in the sequence (e.g. look, for).
Have you ever wondered how expert readers can automatically and effortlessly recognise words?
Every classroom has a wide range of students who experience success at different paces. Some students seem to easily fly ahead while others require additional practice to master skills. This is a challenge when teaching early reading and spelling, and…
Is learning to read simple? The Simple View of Reading* outlines the abilities readers need to understand and construct meaning from a text as:
Whether you’re currently using Sound Waves Decodable Readers in your classroom or interested to learn more – there are a number of ways you can use the Decodable Readers with students.
Finding a font that had everything for the Sound Waves Decodable Readers was like finding a needle in a haystack. Our authors sifted through nearly 1,400 different fonts before they found the right one for the job.