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Maths Trek
Compiling a comprehensive portfolio to evaluate student achievement throughout the year is made easier with Maths Trek assessment.
Maths Trek has four interactive tools: a hundreds chart, a place value chart, a spinner and a clock. The tools are embedded throughout the program to help you teach the concepts, and come preset ready to use in the lesson.…
Writing Time
To make your next handwriting lesson sing, why not add some music to increase those engagement levels and have your students counting down to their next handwriting lesson.
Sound Waves Literacy
Many parents are eager to support their child’s spelling and reading progress but don’t understand the latest approaches being implemented in schools today – including the Science of Reading. To ensure Sound Waves Literacy is effectively embraced at school and at…
There are many things that make our Sound Waves Decodable Readers stand out from the crowd, but one of our favourite features is the array of text types within the series.
We’ve collated answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Does Sound Waves Literacy align with the Science of Reading (SoR) research? Does the program follow a Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) approach? _How are reading and spelling taught alongside…
Think Mentals
Chances are each of us will use mental maths more times in our lives than we can count. But do your students know how important this skill is? Here are five tips to make the most of your mental maths…
If you’ve ever taught in early primary, chances are you’ve seen letter reversals in a student’s handwriting. While the idea of writing reversed letters may seem unnatural to someone with years of handwriting experience (like yourself), almost all children around…
English Stars
Every teacher has their own tips and tricks to help with classroom management. English Stars gives teachers an extra edge with these digital classroom management tools.