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Writing Time
Writing Time Online is the perfect complement to the Student Practice Books. Available in all Australian fonts, there’s a range of tools and resources to support your students’ handwriting adventure. Best of all, access is free!
English Stars
Teachers need to know the workings of the human circulatory system, how to do long division, and which conjunctions are used in compound sentences. In no other profession are people expected to know about so many different topics, and be…
Think Mentals
Getting your students to use mental computation strategies effectively can be a challenge. Despite your weekly mental computation lesson, students can resort back to inefficient and time-consuming methods of writing out all the steps instead of working it out in…
There is no difference. English Stars uses the term phrase. Phrase and group are both acceptable terms when referring to a…
Students live in a digital world. When everything from texting friends to writing essays can be done using a touchscreen or keyboard, the relevance of handwriting is in question. There’s no doubt that being able to jot down a legible…
Whether you’re one of the lucky teachers already using English Stars, or you’re checking out the program for the first time, now is the perfect opportunity to find out how to put your own stamp on English Stars.
Find out what this Year 4 class has to say about English Stars.
Sound Waves Literacy
A sound exploration session is the perfect way to tune students’ ears and eyes to recognise phonemes (sounds) and focus on graphemes (letter/s). Before you introduce the week’s focus phoneme, conduct a quick and easy whole-class activity that explores a…
Using marking as a learning opportunity gives students time to reflect and consolidate what they’ve learnt, and tells you the level of students’ understanding.