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English Stars
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Sound Waves Literacy
Segmenting is a key component of teaching spelling and it’s a skill you work on with your students time and again. But have you ever practised segmenting with your colleagues?
The schwa is the most common vowel sound in English. You and your students will be working with the schwa in most spelling lessons (even though it’s not formally taught until Unit 36). We’ve created a fun video ’The Great Australian Schwa’ to…
We understand that teaching can be a juggling act of responsibilities and that when it comes to marking, you may not have the chance to do everything in one sitting. That’s why English Stars lets you withhold assessment results until all…
Writing Time
Writing Time Online is the perfect complement to the Student Practice Books. Available in all Australian fonts, there’s a range of tools and resources to support your students’ handwriting adventures. Best of all, access is free!
Think Mentals
Mental computation is an essential skill that’s not only applicable in maths class but in everyday life. When and how you work it into your schedule can make all the difference in your students mastering it. Here are three ideas…
Plenty if you are a Sound Waves teacher! Names are a great source for studying phonemes and graphemes. Students love to discover unusual graphemes in their names.
Find out how to use the features of My Classroom in English Stars.
If you want to hit the ground running this year, the English Stars Preparation and Planning page is a great place to start. You’ll find printable resources, such as the Yearly Plan and Curriculum Match documents, to help set your…