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English Stars
Use this teaching video to help your students learn about simple and compound sentences. This is just one of hundreds of videos available in English Stars!
Sound Waves Literacy
Some words have more than one widely accepted pronunciation in Standard Australian English. This won’t affect communication but may affect how your students segment words during spelling lessons.
Teaching a composite class (or any class with students working at various curriculum levels) has its challenges, but the right planning, strategies and tools can ease the load. Try these ideas to deliver seamless English lessons that allow you to…
Try this fun version of the traditional spelling bee that Sound Waves Literacy students will love.
Get students playing with words using the range of printable activity and game BLMs available in the Sound Waves Teaching Resources.
Use this animated video to help your students learn the Sound Waves Chants and Actions. Encourage your students to sing along!
Use this teaching video to help your students learn about expressive verbs. This is just one of hundreds of videos available in English Stars!