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Sound Waves Literacy
There’s so much to discover at Sound Waves Literacy Online. Aside from oodles of quality lesson materials, the intuitive digital design is packed with handy tools and features that make teaching in a modern classroom seamless.
We know differentiation is a big deal for teachers. Let’s take a look at how BitMaths differentiated activities can help you cater for everyone in your class, from struggling students through to maths masterminds.
The aim of differentiation is to improve the knowledge and skills of every student regardless of their starting point.
Writing Time
Even in our digital world, educators can see the value that early primary students get from handwriting. But as the focus switches from print to cursive handwriting in upper primary, students and teachers may ask – why is cursive handwriting development…
English Stars
Do your students have an upcoming oral presentation? Help them brush up on their skills by going back through the English Stars modules that cover oral presentation skills and use the resources as revision!
When it comes to the English language, there’s always more to discover and learn. After you’ve done this quiz yourself, why not take some of these fun challenges to your classroom and see how your students fare?
Firefly Education’s ‘Teacher Spotlight’ shares insights from a variety of education influencers who inspire fellow teachers with their unique classroom knowledge and helpful resources.
Think Mentals
As the year draws to a close, remember to use your students’ Think Mentals assessment data to help inform reporting.
If students reach middle to upper primary school with poor motor skills, it can negatively affect their writing. Not only does the physical act of handwriting become tiring, it can also hinder their ability to write fluently. Students simply don’t…