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We know differentiation is a big deal for teachers. Let’s take a look at how BitMaths differentiated activities can help you cater for everyone in your class, from struggling students through to maths masterminds.
Sound Waves Literacy
The aim of differentiation is to improve the knowledge and skills of every student regardless of their starting point.
English Stars
Teaching a composite class (or any class with students working at various curriculum levels) has its challenges, but the right planning, strategies and tools can ease the load. Try these ideas to deliver seamless English lessons that allow you to…
Do you have students in your class who excel at spelling? You’ve no doubt discovered the Extension Words available for every Sound Waves Literacy unit, but how many different ways do you use them? Here are a few ideas to…
Find out how to monitor student progress in English Stars.
Find out how to use the Activity Tracker to monitor real-time student performance.
Think Mentals
We’ve all seen it happen: we dedicate the lower primary years to teaching students reading skills, only to discover that by upper primary half the class don’t want to read. There are many reasons why children lose interest in literature.…
Writing Time
It’s something all teachers have experienced: you’ve planned an engaging and differentiated activity for your class, but you soon hear, ‘What do I do when I’m finished?’