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Maths Trek
It’s Term 4 and no doubt you’re either rushing to catch up on everything you couldn’t fit in earlier in the year, or you’ve finished your assessment and reporting and are looking for productive activities to wrap up the year.
Sound Waves Literacy
Sound Waves Literacy provides a suite of assessment resources for Foundation and Years 1–6 to help you closely monitor students’ progress.
Compiling a comprehensive portfolio to evaluate student achievement throughout the year is made easier with Maths Trek assessment.
Think Mentals
Assessment is on everyone’s mind at this time of year. Assessing mental computation skills is a valuable part of reporting on your students’ overall maths abilities.
As the year draws to a close, remember to use your students’ Think Mentals assessment data to help inform reporting.
English Stars
English Stars is jam-packed with so many great features, and the range of assessment tools is no exception! Find out how to make any upcoming English assessment a breeze.
Find out how to use the marking page for an Assessment (such as a Task or Oral Presentation) in English Stars.
Find out how to use the Class Assessment Results page in Think Mentals Digital Classroom.
Find out how to use the Student Portfolio Assessment page in Think Mentals Digital Classroom.