
Deliver powerful lessons

Every BitMaths module includes concept lessons, differentiated activities, and problem-solving and reasoning opportunities.

Concept lessons and activities

Gradual release of responsibility

Introduce the concept

Each lesson slideshow opens with a cover slide, which introduces the concept through a quote, riddle, question or fact to hook your students’ interest.

Teach and model

Step through the scaffolded slideshow, which takes an inquiry-based approach that includes discussion stimuli, engaging videos and worked examples. Together, these provide a strong and consistent focus for you to work with.

Integrated throughout the slideshows are opportunities to check for student understanding through collaborative activities, including:

  • Your Turn activities to consolidate knowledge of the concept
  • A Think Bit activity to apply higher-order thinking skills for the concept.
Independent practice for students

To consolidate learning, have students complete understanding activities, which have been curated to scaffold learning, and contain questions with graduated difficulty.

Based on their results in the initial set of understanding activities, students are prompted to a differentiated activity set – support, consolidation or extension. Alternatively, you can direct students to complete activities as you see fit.

bitmaths concept lesson on screen

problem-solving page on screen

Problem-solving and reasoning

Develop higher-order thinking skills

Guided problem-solving

Use the guided problem-solving task to model critical literacy skills and strategic problem-solving.

Display and unpack the problem as a class. Help students understand what the problem is asking, identify the important information and discuss what a good solution might include.

After solving the problem, discuss the strategies students used to solve the problem and display the worked solution example.

Independent problem-solving

Have students complete the independent problem-solving activities, which cater to different abilities – support, consolidation or extension.

When answers are submitted online, students receive automatic marking and can view worked solutions!

Apply reasoning skills

Students can take their higher-order thinking skills to the next level with an explicit reasoning task. These tasks provide students with opportunities to employ mathematical reasoning skills such as justifying, proving, determining, generalising and so on.

Students can either tackle the tasks independently, or use the BitMaths Reasoning Wizard, which guides them through a scaffolded critical-thinking sequence. The Reasoning Wizard helps teach students effective problem-solving attack skills by providing question prompts.

Watch Reasoning tutorial

The Big Question

Provide an extra challenge to students

A thought-provoking maths problem or brainteaser is provided at the end of every module. They’re perfect for fast finishers and will appeal to inquiring minds. And it’s probably no surprise by now that each comes with a worked solution!

a sample the big question on screen

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