
Targeted and Effective Early Years Reading Instruction

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Targeted and Effective Early Years Reading Instruction

Sound Waves Literacy


The message is clear – for schools aiming to improve their students’ literacy outcomes, using decodable readers as part of their systematic synthetic phonics instruction is vital.

This session is designed to provide educators with a comprehensive look at how students can build their word recognition and fluency by applying their phoneme–grapheme knowledge to Decodable Readers.

Who is this for?
  • educators familiar with Sound Waves Literacy’s synthetic phonics lessons who want to improve their knowledge and effectively utilise Sound Waves Decodable Readers
  • early years classroom teachers, learning support teachers and teacher aides (Foundation–Year 2)
  • stage leaders, literacy leaders and curriculum coordinators
What’s covered?
  • a look at the core components of learning to read and spell, including the research-based model The Simple View of Reading 1, 2
  • an explanation of the key features of effective decodable readers and how they should be incorporated into early years literacy lessons
  • a guided read-through of a Sound Waves Decodable Reader
  • practical strategies for implementing and differentiating reading instruction to ensure every student has a positive and successful experience
  • a review of effective reading assessment resources
  • a review of the suite of Sound Waves Literacy resources used to support high-quality reading and spelling instruction

This workshop runs for about one hour, and you’ll receive a PD certificate of participation. Register now, or contact us if you have any questions.

1. Hoover, WA & Gough, PB 1990, ‘The simple view of reading’, Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 127-160,
2. Hoover, WA & Tunmer, WE 2018, ‘The simple view of reading: three assessments of its adequacy’, Remedial and Special Education, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 304-312,


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