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We use BitMaths. I've added teachers to our Class Builder, but they're saying they don't have access – what can I do?

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We use BitMaths. I've added teachers to our Class Builder, but they're saying they don't have access – what can I do?


There may be a number of reasons teachers don’t appear to have access to online resources, including:

They have not been allocated the BitMaths Teacher Product in Class Builder.

Teachers only have access to the products allocated to them. You may have missed the step to allocate products when adding teachers to the Class Builder. For more information refer to the Class Builder User Guide (Secondary Products).

The teacher is yet to complete the set-up of their account.

First, check if the teacher’s status is listed as verified or unverified. If they are listed as unverified, check that you’ve entered their correct email address.

  • If the email address was entered incorrectly, remove the teacher from Class Builder, and select Add a Single Teacher again to enter the teacher with the correct email address.
  • If the email address is correct, the teacher may not have verified their account. Instructions for verifying their new account were included in the automatic email sent to them when they were added to Class Builder.

The teacher has two Firefly Online accounts.

If the teacher’s status is verified, it’s possible they have two Firefly Online accounts: one registered to their personal email and one registered to their school email. If this is the case, ensure the teacher is logging in with the email you’ve added in Class Builder.

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